The Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery is studying a new, non-surgical, one-time endoscopic injection to treat acid reflux (GERD). The NECTAR clinical study is offered to patients who have taken anti-reflux medications for at least 6 months and currently experience GERD symptoms. Learn more at www.NECTARStudy.com. The NECTAR clinical trial is conducted at multiple centers across the US to study a new, non-surgical, non-medication option for chronic heartburn or acid reflux (GERD). IERSurgery is participating in the NECTAR study and invites you to learn more here.
Contact IERSuregery online or by phone at (303) 788-1636 to be considered for the NECTAR clinical study.
Consider a clinical trial for adults living with heartburn (GERD)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive disease. GERD occurs when stomach acid (or occasionally stomach content) flows back into your esophagus. The acid reflux irritates the lining of your esophagus and causes GERD.1
The Novel Endoluminal Clinical TreAtment of Reflux (NECTAR) trial will evaluate the performance of Aluvra™ for the treatment of GERD.
Aluvra is an injectable material composed of tiny carbon beads in a gel. Aluvra is a nonreactive material that cannot be absorbed.
Aluvra is injected in an area of the lower esophagus in a one-time procedure during GI endoscopy with no hospital stay.
This clinical trial lasts for 12 months following the injection.
You may qualify if you meet the following requirements:
The Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery
499 East Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80113
Dr. Reginald Bell, Principal Investigator
Rachel Heidrick, Study Coordinator
Tel: 303-788-1636
Email: Rachel@sofisite.com
CAUTION: Aluvra™ is not approved for sales in the U.S. Limited by US federal law to investigational use only