A big problem today is that most GERD diagnosis are made by primary care physicians who simply do not have the diagnostic equipment to confirm GERD, which can lead to more serious problems if not properly treated. RefluxMD receives many GERD-related questions from visitors, allowing them to offer ideas to avoid disease progression or complications. Unfortunately, they occasionally do receive questions from those who are suffering from complications, such as Barrett’s Esophagus and esophageal cancer. If you have been diagnosed with GERD by a family doctor, this is definitely worth reading.
“My doctor has been giving me repeat prescriptions of Ranitidine for 12 years. He has never sent me for endoscopes and never examined me. I was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer in January 2014 and had surgery and chemo soon after. Should I have had regular tests to check for Barrett’s esophagus?”
Like so many others that rely on a family doctor, a diagnosis of GERD is almost always treated with medications, ususally proton pump inhibitor (PPIs) medication daily – and for life. Unfortunately, medications may not be the best treatment strategy for everyone.
To read RefluxMD’s full response to the question, click here.